
Yearly Publications
Fiscal Summary
Summaries of the State's revenue and appropriations by fiscal year.
Pre-Session Publications
Overview of the Governor's Budget
This overview provides comprehensive review and analysis of the Governor's proprosed budget.
Subcommittee Books
A summary of changes in the Governor's proposed budget for each agency.
Post-Session Publications
Summary of Appropriations
A summary of all appropriation bills passed during a specific session along with various budget reports.
Enacted Budget Books
A summary of each state agency's major budget changes post-session. Formerly known as Conference Committee Books
Reference Material
Budget Handbook
A handbook designed to provide legislators and their staff with understanding the budget process.
Fund Codes
A listing of all the fund codes used in the State Budget.
Informational Papers
Informational write-ups on specific State programs and broader fiscal information.
Intent Memo
Intent memorandums restate the previous session's legislative intent for each agency and provide agency responses.
Budget History Data
A comprehensive data set of the state's budget, including revenues and PFD's, since statehood.
Budget History Graphs
Helpful graphs based off the Budget History Data above.
Indirect Expenditure Books
A report of the State's indirect expenditures analyzed by Legislative Finance Division with recommendations.
Inactive Funds Report
A report of the State's inactive funds and accounts analyzed by Legislative Finance Division with recommendations.
Historical Information
A listing of some historical reports, bills and analyses.